Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mini Reunion

This past Friday we got together with Chad's family for a little mini reunion. We started the day meeting Abby's family and Angie's family at the new Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House. The temple was beautiful and the kids loved seeing each other and walking through the temple holding hands. I don't think it can get much better than that!

After the temple we went to Abby and Chad's new apartment and changed clothes and then made plans to go to Wheeler Farm. The kids had a ball running around and petting the animals and it was free. What more could we ask for??? Maybe the part where we were pooped on by the cow - we all could have gone without that. Hayden wouldn't even go near the cow after watching that! But other than that it was a great afternoon!

That evening we met everyone at a restaurant and had a great dinner!. The kids pretty much sat at one end and the adults on the other end of a giant table. We all enjoyed ourselves but I am not so sure the other people in the restaurant enjoyed us?!

It was great to see everyone again and we had a great time. Thanks for everyone making the effort to get together!


mandy said...

It was fun to see you guys. I'm sad we missed the temple and the farm though not the pooping. You took some beautiful pictures!

Ryan + Angie said...

I liked the temple part a lot better than the farm. Cows and pooping...gross! Glad we could get together.

The Hurd Herd said...

I was a really fun and eventful day! It was fun to see everyone and spend some time!

Max and Deanna said...

Wow it sounds like we missed a great time. Those are some neat pictures!!