Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Festivities

Our festivities started on Saturday when a home improvement store in town lets you bring your children in and they get to plant a flower pot for their mom for free. (Yeah free!!!) The kids loved picking out the flowers and planting them and I loved the finished product that is now sitting on my front porch.

On Sunday I was showered with hugs and kisses, more flowers and homemade gifts and cards. I was also pleasantly surprised by Mackenzie giving a talk about me in Sacrament meeting that I had no idea about. (I can't believe that she was able to keep the secret.) She did an amazing job all by herself and of course she made me cry - big surprise.

Kenzie's gift - a magnet

Cort's gift - a portrait of me with letter

I couldn't have asked for a better Mother's Day - I am truly blessed!

P.S. Happy belated Mother's Day to all of you! I hope you had a great day too!


mandy said...

I can't believe what nice plantings the kids were able to do for free. It looks like you had a great Mother's day. I'm impressed that Kenz was brave enough to speak in sacrament meeting and tricky enough to keep it a secret!

Max and Deanna said...

I'm glad you had such a neat mother's day. Way to go Kenzie. Believe me Rachel it won't be the last time you cry when your kids do something. Just get prepared!! I remember crying the first time your husband passed the sacrament and the day eh walked through those doors to go on his mission.

Max and Deanna said...

I'm glad you had a great day and got what you rightly deserved. You are a wonderful mother. Great Kenz we are proud of you.

Ryan + Angie said...

I love the plantings. How fun.