Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Recap

Our Easter celebrations were supposed to start with the traditional Wellington egg hunt Saturday morning but the kids decided that they didn't want to go out in the wind and rain. (Thankfully they made a good choice because I didn't want to go out in the rain either.) So, we stayed home and colored eggs and they had a ton of fun.

Finished product!

Hayden had to keep his in a separate egg carton because for some reason he thought he would keep them forever as his pets. We later convinced him that it was okay to eat them so that they wouldn't go bad.

On Sunday the kids put on their new Easter outfits. (Courtney's I made, Kenzie's and Hayden's was bought because of lack of time and I haven't attempted to sew a boy outfit yet.)

Sunday night the Easter Bunny visited our house. So, when the kids woke up Monday morning we had an egg hunt all over the house. The Easter Bunny even left a few presents and filled out a questionnaire that Kenzie and Courtney left for him.


Ryan + Angie said...

What fun festivities. I love the questions they thought to ask...pretty clever answers too. :)

mandy said...

Such a fun Easter! I love the eggs and the questions/answers and their cute Easter clothes. How in the world did you get all 3 of them to smile so big at the same time?

Max and Deanna said...

What a fun way to celebrate. The clothes are darling and the modeling and even cuter.