Monday, April 20, 2009

My Funny Guy

Hayden has been cracking us up lately so I thought we would share.

The other day he was playing dinosaurs with a friend and had to ask me a question:
Hayden: "Mom, if a dinosaur goes into a cave will he come back to life?"
Me: "Hayden, I'm not sure I know what you are talking about."
Hayden: "What about our old dog Bay? What if he went into a cave, would he come back to life?"
Me: "I don't think so. Bay is in heaven." (Still having no idea where he came up with this whole thing.)
Hayden: "Well, Jesus went into a cave and came back to life. Maybe if the dinosaurs or Bay went into a cave they would come back to life."
Me: (The light finally clicks on as I realize that Hayden actually paid attention to us talking about Jesus dying on the cross and after going into the tomb ["cave"] is resurrected.)

New favorite phrase: "That is redonculous!" (from the movie Bolt)

Favorite way to eat a sandwich: Cut into 4 squares. When asked why - "Mom, it just tastes better."

Why you just have to give him a big hug and love him even though all of his energy and crazy ideas makes you want to tie him to a chair sometimes: "Mom, when I get big like Dad I am going to get married in the temple just like you guys." (That is the reason for the picture of Hayden and Courtney all dressed up. They played that they were going to the temple to get married.)

My crazy, adorable, goofy kid!


mandy said...

The "cave" cracked me up. I just really like Hayden. He is awesome.

Max and Deanna said...

What a neat blog. We all love Hayden--he is one of a kind. What cute pictures of a handsome guy with some good church teaching. A see a future missionary--maybe to Belarus or Bulgaria!!!

Max and Deanna said...

is diffently a keeper. We love you Hayden.