Monday, March 16, 2009

The latest excuse.

The other day Hayden decided to build a fort after making a huge mess in the front room. I had to admit that it was a pretty cool looking fort but I wanted the other mess cleaned up.

Courtney is impressed with Hayden's fort skills!

So when I asked him to get out of his totally cool fort and clean up the other mess he made (I was even going to help him clean up), this is the response he gave - "Mom, I have to send my email and check the blog first!" What!!!!? I thought Chad and I were going to die laughing. And, really, how could I respond to that?

This picture is Hayden pointing to his computer.

You will be happy to know that the emails were sent successfully and everything looked great on the blog so the mess did get cleaned up, eventually! And, Chad and I are rethinking the amount of time spent on the computer checking blogs, email and facebook!


Ryan + Angie said...

That is quite the fort! He has got some serious building skills but he's staying current with technology too. What a well rounded kid! :)

mandy said...

That cracks me up. The other day the primary song leader told me that when she was trying to get the kids to do things that moms do for "Do As I'm Doing" no one took her suggestions of ironing and cooking. E's suggestion? Blogging. Nice.

Max and Deanna said...

This is the computer age. There is a museum here that has an art display and it's call "Ctrl-art" I think we may try to see it--if we can find it.

Max and Deanna said...

I think that you guys better stay on the ball to stay ahead of him. Got to love the boy.

Travis and Melissa said...

That is so funny!

The Hurd Herd said...

What a funny kid! Fort-building is one of Hannah's favorite things to do! They should get together and built forts!